Captain Matt Syrett RN

Captain Matt Syrett is the Maritime Geospatial Intelligence Liaison Officer for the National Centre for Geospatial Intelligence (NCGI). Appointed as the defence customer Non-Executive Director for the UKHO board, Matt is focused on meeting defence needs for maritime geospatial data.
Captain Matt Syrett is a warfare officer and specialist military Hydrographic surveyor, Oceanographer and Meteorologist, he is also qualified as a specialist Navigator. Matt has Commanded HM Ships GLEANER, ROEBUCK, ECHO and PROTECTOR. In 2016 he became the Hydrographer of the Royal Navy and Commanded the 700-person strong Royal Navy Survey Flotilla in its operations worldwide.
Matt has experience as the Naval Assistant to The First Sea Lord. Working directly for Admiral Sir George Zambellas and Admiral Sir Philip Jones, as their lead for International Defence Engagement, during a period that included, the Scottish Referendum and Strategic Defence Security Review 2015. He also has Strategic and Operational Media experience gained from a two-year assignment to the Permanent Joint Headquarters during the Afghanistan and Libya campaigns.
Matt acts as the defence customer on the UKHO board. He supports and constructively challenges the executive committee, applying scrutiny both in the development of business strategies, cases, plans and targets; and in assessing the UKHO’s success in delivering its approved corporate plan.