Michael Coyle

Michael joined the Marine Management Organisation in March 2011 as a Principal Specialist in the Evidence Team, and has held positions as Head of Marine Conservation, Head of Compliance and Control, Acting Director of Operations, and more recently Head of Marine Protection and Operations Services.
Michael is a qualified marine scientist and has worked for over 30 years in multi-disciplinary teams for UK public bodies responsible for protecting and managing our seas. These include positions held in the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Natural England. Michael has significant experience in leading marine teams to deliver evidence-based decisions against a broad set of complex business functions.
Acting Director of Digital and Analysis, MMO
The Director of Digital and Analysis works with a range of stakeholders and provides multi-disciplinary technical services for the MMO, which focus on understanding the data and information that we gather and using it to inform our decisions and shape the future direction of our marine service provision for our customers. The Director is leading delivery to realise the MMO’s ambitions in evidence use and to ensure our services are fit for purpose and using ‘digital by default’ to further support the customer offering.