Mike Wright

Mike has had four technology leadership roles in the last 25 years. Most recently, he was Global CIO for McKinsey and Company where he led several digital transformations over a 10 year period. He also had responsibility for data and cyber security. Before this, he was Global Head of Technology at Man Group plc, a world-leading alternative investment manager. Previously, he headed IT at Fidelity International and at Willis Towers Watson. All his CIO roles have spanned multiple international locations, with a respective focus on Switzerland, India, and the USA, coupled with the UK. At Willis, he worked closely with the private equity firm, KKR, to take the company private and then return to a public listing on the NYSE.
In addition to these CIO roles, Mike has seen the financial services industry and IT function from a number of vantage points. Between 1984 and 1997, he worked as a consultant at both Accenture and McKinsey on various IT and general business assignments; he founded and ran a software products company for four years, and was also a non executive director of another software start up specialising in digital rights management.
In 2008 & 2010, he was voted one of the top 50 CIO’s in the UK in a survey by Silicon.com. He has been a CIO advisor for HP; on the Accenture panel of Global CIO’s; and part of a Boston University initiative to look at the strategic direction for offshoring and outsourcing. Recently, he has been an advisor to (i) the Data Strategy Alliance (a UK non profit body promoting standards for data analytics and AI) and (ii) CIO Development, aiming to enhance technology capabilities across UK boards.
Mike graduated from Oxford University with an MA in Biochemistry after doing research into Parkinson’s disease. He is also actively involved with charity work in different roles, most notably mentoring young professionals and helping adopted children fulfil their potential.
DBS Associate Board Member
Board members are senior figures from outside DBS who bring a mix of expertise and skills from across the public and private sector. They all:
- oversee performance
- set the strategic direction for the DBS
- support and challenge management on implementing the DBS strategic direction
- make sure that statutory duties are carried out
DBS board members are appointed following open and fair competition and in line with the Governance Code on Public Appointments. The appointments are for an initial period of 3 years, with the possibility of re-appointment.