Nigel Cotgrove

Nigel Cotgrove is a Trustee Director of the BT Pension Scheme; and a member of the Prison Service Pay Review Body, the Low Pay Commission and the Central Arbitration Committee.
Nigel worked for the Communication Workers’ Union for 31 years. He served as a National Officer for over 20 years representing workers in the telecoms, ICT and financial services sectors. Prior to that, he worked as a CWU Research Officer.
Nigel was appointed to the Prison Service Pay Review Board as a member with trade union expertise on 1 August 2023 and his appointment ends on 31 July 2028.
Nigel was appointed as Commissioners in the Low Pay Commission from an employee background on 22 January 2024 and his appointment ends on 21 January 2027.
PSPRB Member
The role of a Member of the Prison Service Pay Review Body is to provide independent advice on the remuneration of governing governors and operational managers, prison officers and support grades in the England and Wales Prison Service and Northern Ireland Prison Service.