Governor of St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

Nigel Phillips CBE


Nigel Phillips CBE was appointed Governor of St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha in April 2022 and took up the role in August 2022.

2017 to 2022 Governor of the Falkland Islands and Her Majesty’s Commissioner for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
2016 to 2017 Ministry of Defence (MOD), UK Permanent Representation to the European Union, Brussels, Deputy Military Representative
2014 to 2016 MOD, Head, Russian Strategic Studies/Wider Europe Policy
2013 to 2014 Member of Royal College of Defence Studies
2012 to 2013 Language training (Russian), Defence Academy
2010 to 2012 Warsaw, British Embassy, Defence Attaché
2007 to 2009 Defence College Communications Information Systems, Deputy Commandant and Garrison Commander
2003 to 2007 Stockholm, British Embassy, Defence Attaché
2001 to 2003 Defence Communications Services Agency, Senior Staff Officer Communication Operations Planning
2000 to 2001 Defence Academy, Advanced Command and Staff Course, Student
1984 to 2000 Member of the Royal Air Force (RAF), various appointments

Governor of St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

The Governor is the representative of His Majesty The King in a British Overseas Territory. The Governor acts as the de facto head of state and is usually responsible for appointing the head of government, and senior political positions in the territory. The Governor is also responsible for liaising with the UK Government, and carrying out any ceremonial duties.

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office