Rebecca Hackett


Rebecca Hackett started her Post as Deputy Director and Head of Policy Division with the UK Government in Scotland in February 2018. Working alongside Nick Leake, she particularly focuses on improving communication and policy coordination in the areas of trade, the Industrial Strategy and economic analysis. She leads on the programme of City deals, where the UK Government works closely with the Scottish Government, and also leads on higher education, research and innovation.

Rebecca was previously based in the UK Permanent Representation to the EU (UKRep) in Brussels, where she represented the UK in EU negotiations on research policy and regional policy for four years, focussing particularly on EU structural funds and Horizon 2020 research funding. She previously worked in the Northern Ireland Office, where she lead the legacy team, dealing with a range of complex legal and policy issues around dealing with the past.

Rebecca spent four years prior to that in Brussels, covering terrorism, civil protection and drugs issues in UKRep and then on secondment in the European External Action Service, where she dealt with relations with the US and Canada on justice and home affairs, particularly focussing on data protection. Rebecca began her career in the civil service in 2004 in the Home Office, working on cross-cutting projects in the strategy team and on international migration policy, and also spent a year in the National Audit Office as a researcher in the Justice and Home Affairs Value for Money team.