Rich Wentel

Rich Wentel is the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Services for the Public Sector Fraud Authority.
Rich is a fraud and financial crime expert, specialising in investigation, enforcement, and data analytics. He oversees the delivery of services by the Public Sector Fraud Authority (PSFA) to support departments and the wider public sector to improve their counter fraud approaches. This includes:
a) The delivery of counter fraud data analytics services to departments and through the National Fraud Initiative to use data and AI to detect and prevent fraud;
b) Helping departments to understand their fraud risk exposure through the newly launched Risk Threat and Prevention (RTP) service; and
c) The development of the PSFA’s Enforcement Unit pilot approach.
He also provides technical and policy support to departments to assist in the management of their fraud and error, including leading deep dive reviews on operational performance and risk. Rich is a key member of a number of cross-government boards that steer departmental approaches to fraud.
Prior to joining the Cabinet Office, Rich had a long career within HMRC’s Fraud Investigation Service, undertaking a number of different roles, all within the investigation discipline. This included: criminal investigator, covert operations, surveillance, overseas working, disclosure, operational Assistant Director leading Organised Crime, Volume and Offshore cases, and Head of Learning and Capability. He led the development of the Counter Fraud Investigator Apprenticeship and led the introduction of over 4,000 HMRC staff into the Government Counter Fraud Profession.
Chief Operating Officer
The Chief Operating Officer of the Public Sector Fraud Authority (PSFA) is responsible for the delivery and operations of the PSFA functions and services to better fight fraud through risk management, prevention, data analytics and enforcement.