Member, Export Guarantees Advisory Council

Dr Roseline Wanjiru


Dr Roseline Wanjiru is a Senior Lecturer at Newcastle Business School, with interdisciplinary research interests in economic development, trade and industrial policy, foreign direct investment and innovation strategies. She brings over 20 years’ experience in the sector, including time spent in the University of Leeds, University of Huddersfield and presently in Northumbria University.

Roseline has been a member of EGAC since September 2018. Her appointment is due to end on 31 May 2024.

Member, Export Guarantees Advisory Council

Export Guarantees Advisory Council (EGAC) provides advice to UK Export Finance and its ministers on the policies UK Export Finance applies when doing business including:

  • environmental impacts and human rights
  • sustainable lending
  • bribery and corruption
  • disclosure, including freedom of information requests