Professor Rosie Hails MBE DSc hc FRSB

Professor Rosie Hails MBE DSc hc FRSB was appointed chair of the Defra Biodiversity Expert Committee in April 2023 for 3 years.
Rosie is an ecologist and Nature and Science Director at the National Trust, holding honorary chairs at Exeter and Cranfield Universities. Her role is to develop the Trust’s nature strategy, research portfolio and advice on science evidence relevant to Trust decision making.
She leads teams focusing on Nature Conservation, Environmental Research and Data, Trees and Woodland Creation, Wildlife Management, Land Use, Farming and Public Benefits delivered by Nature. She is also one of 3 directors of ‘Renew’ – a 5 year Changing the Environment programme. The programme is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and led by the University of Exeter and National Trust Partnership.
She is a member of Defra’s Science Advisory Council, chair of the Biodiversity Expert Committee and on a number of advisory boards. Formerly, she was the Science Director for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Science at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (2013 to 2018). She was awarded an MBE for services to Environmental Research in 2000.