Rudy Markham
Rudy Markham has served on the boards of Astra Zeneca, the Financial Reporting Council, Standard Chartered, Legal & General and UPS Inc; He is currently the Chairman of Moorfields Eye Hospital.
Rudy is also an experienced Audit Committee Chair and currently chairs the Audit Committee at Astra Zeneca. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, and of the Institute of Corporate Treasurers.
After a series of financial postings for Unilever in Continental Europe, Rudy was appointed Chairman and CEO of Unilever’s businesses in Australia and New Zealand in 1989 and chaired Nippon Lever Japan between 1992 and 1996. Subsequent appointments include:
- executive responsibility for Unilever operations in North East Asia, 1996
- board member of Unilever Plc and Unilever NV, responsible for Strategy and Technology, 1998
- Finance Director, 2001