Mrs Sarah Bedwell

Sarah previously worked as Director of Regulation at the Human Tissue Authority. Her role included the oversight and management of licensing arrangements, inspection processes and the approvals framework for living organ donation. She also led the development of regulatory policies and procedures including the implementation of the licensing arrangements for organ transplantation. Sarah has spent much of her career in regulation; most recently with the General Medical Council and Nursing and Midwifery Council. Her work included leading fitness to practise investigations, delivering service improvements and managing governance processes.
The Certification Officer
The functions of the Certification Officer are contained in the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (as amended). They include:
- maintaining a list of trade unions and employers’ associations
- receiving, ensuring compliance with statutory requirements and keeping available for public inspection annual returns from trade unions and employers’ associations
- determining complaints concerning trade union elections, certain other ballots and certain breaches of trade union rules
- ensuring observance of statutory requirements governing mergers between trade unions and between employers’ associations
- overseeing the political funds and the finances of trade unions and employers’ associations
- certifying the independence of trade unions