Sarah Mann

Sarah Mann took up her post as Consul-General Guangzhou in June 2023. She leads the UK government’s engagement in the provinces of Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan and Jiangxi in South China.
Sarah joined the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) in 2008 and has worked on a range of countries and issues including the UN, energy security and human rights.
Her first posting was as Second Secretary in Colombo, Sri Lanka after which she returned to London as Secretary to the FCDO Board of Management in the office of the Permanent Under-Secretary. Most recently Sarah served as British Deputy High Commissioner to Uganda from 2017 to 2020. She has also served in the British High Commission in Fiji and the UK’s Mission to the UN in New York.
Sarah has an undergraduate degree in history from the University of Victoria, British Colombia, and a Masters degree in International Law from SOAS.
Consul-General in Guangzhou
The Consul General is the senior UK official in a Consulate General, which is a subordinate office to the Embassy or High Commission, usually located in another major city. The Consul General represents the UK government and is typically responsible for consular, visa and trade activities in their city or region.