Dame Sarah Storey

Dame Sarah Storey has worked as a policy advocate for British Cycling with a particular focus on promoting road safety and access to cycling as transport for women and those with disabilities.
In 2019 she was appointed as Active Travel Commissioner for South Yorkshire, a role she held until May 2022 when she moved to Greater Manchester to become the region’s second Active Travel Commissioner.
Also a well-known athlete, Dame Sarah was crowned Britain’s Most Successful Paralympian following the delayed Tokyo 2020 Games.
Her appointment of Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in the 2013 New Year Honours, came after she topped the medal table with an impressive 4 gold at the London 2012 Games.
Non-executive board member, DfT
Non-executive board members provide the Department for Transport with strategic advice, support and challenge. They also attend departmental board meetings and meet with the management team.