Sophia Brecknell


Sophia studied Biological Sciences at Somerville College, Oxford, then worked as a caption writer in the photographic industry.

She joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 2010. She has served in Berlin, as First Secretary Energy and Environment, and as Head of Justice and Home Affairs policy in the FCO’s Europe Directorate, working on aspects of the UK’s renegotiation of its relationship with the EU prior to the referendum.

Additionally, she held the position of Private Secretary to the Permanent Under-Secretary and Head of the Diplomatic Service, Sir Simon McDonald. From 2019-2023 she was Deputy Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates.

Before joining the Foreign Office she worked in the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, including as Private Secretary to both the Rt Hon Margaret Beckett and Rt Hon David Miliband; with the farming industry to respond to Foot and Mouth Disease and Avian Influenza crises; and with local councils to increase recycling.

She is married to Richard. They have two young children, Constance and Henry.

Previous roles in government

  • Deputy Head of Mission, United Arab Emirates