Sophie Dean

Sophie Dean was appointed joint Director General, Labour Market and Poverty in November 2024 in a jobshare with Katherine Green. Prior to that Sophie and Katherine were Directors General, Labour Market and Implementation.
Before DWP, Sophie and Katherine were Directors General for Borders and Trade in HMRC. They were responsible for policy and operation of the UK border for goods and delivered the major border change programme for Brexit. Sophie and Katherine joined HMRC in August 2018 as job share Directors of Customs and Border Design.
Sophie was previously Finance Director at HM Treasury. Prior to that she worked in a variety of policy roles in HM Treasury.
Before joining the Civil Service Sophie worked in the private sector. She has 3 boys and a poorly trained red fox Labrador.
Director General for Labour Market and Poverty (jobshare)
The Director General for Labour Market Policy and Implementation is responsible for:
The Director General for Labour Market and Poverty is responsible for:
Development and implementation of labour market strategy and policy
Poverty strategy, including departmental poverty policy and the Child Poverty Taskforce
Families, Child Maintenance and Disadvantaged Groups policy