Tony Collingridge OBE


Tony was appointed Director of Trade & Investment for Malaysia with effect from 10 October 2011.


Tony joined the Civil Service in 1978, his career largely followed the Government’s privatisation agenda up to 1995, accumulating a wealth of experience in roles from Parliamentary Clerk to Ministerial Private Secretary. Tony also handled civil emergencies including the miners’ strike and 1987 hurricane.

Tony has been doing commercial work for more than 17 years with an anchor in the Asia Pacific Region and was awarded the OBE in 2007. Tony is married to Alison and has two sons and a daughter. His hobbies include classic Jaguar cars and hiking.

Prominent Career Positions

Head of the UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) Asia Pacific Regional Team based in Hong Kong (2006-2011). Supporting all of the UKTI teams in the Asia Pacific region to deliver high quality investment into the UK; and assisting UK companies based in Hong Kong to grow their businesses in the region. Additionally managing the Hong Kong inward investment team.

Head of the Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa Team, UKTI, London (1999-2006), encouraging companies from the region to invest in the UK.

Head of the Australasia team, Overseas Trade Services, London (1995-1999), helping UK companies do business in the region.

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Twitter @T_Collingridge