Vicky Seymour


Vicky Seymour was appointed as Head of the East Africa Department of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) in April 2023. She shares this role with Lisa Mackie as part of a jobshare.

Prior to taking up her current role, Vicky and Lisa worked as the Head of FCDO’s Trade Diplomacy Department. Before that, Vicky was the UK’s Development Director in Mozambique from August 2019 to January 2022. She has previously served as Deputy Head of the Department for International Development (DFID) Uganda, Deputy Head of the FCO/DFID North Africa Joint Unit and Private Secretary to the joint FCO/DFID Africa Minister.

Vicky’s previous positions focused on working across government, building stability and tackling climate change, with overseas posts in Democratic Republic of Congo and Afghanistan as well as roles in DFID’s Climate and Environment Department; Conflict, Humanitarian and Security Department; Financial Services Team; and Corporate Performance Group.

Before joining the civil service in 2004, Vicky worked in the not-for-profit sector on asylum and refugee issues, with a focus on remittances.

Vicky holds a degree in History and a Master of Science in Development Management.