Make a neighbourhood plan
Have a say in development in your area by joining a neighbourhood planning group, or starting one of your own.

What is it?
Neighbourhood planning is a new way for communities to have a say in the future of the places where they live and work. It gives you the power to produce a plan with real legal weight that directs development in your local area. It helps you:
- choose where you want new homes, shops and offices to be built
- have your say on what those new buildings should look like
- grant planning permission for the new buildings you want to see go ahead
Groups can get tailored advice, support and grants to develop their neighbourhood plans.
How can I get involved?
More than 2,400 communities across England have already started neighbourhood planning. They’re always looking for more people to get involved.
If a plan isn’t already being produced for your area, you can gather community interest and start your own. There are several sources of advice and support for communities interested in neighbourhood planning, including grants and technical support.
The ‘Neighbourhood Planning’ website has support, advice and funding details.