10 strong claims about successful school leadership
This report looks at the impact of leadership on pupil outcomes, particularly the leadership of the headteacher.
This report summarises the findings of a national research project on the impact of leadership on pupil outcomes.
It makes 10 strong claims about successful leadership:
- headteachers are the main source of leadership in their schools
- there are 8 important areas of successful leadership
- headteachers’ values are important components in their success
- successful headteachers use the same basic leadership practices, but there is no single model for achieving success
- differences in context affect the nature, direction and pace of leadership actions
- headteachers contribute to student learning and achievement through a combination of strategies and actions
- there are 3 broad phases of leadership success
- headteachers grow and secure success by layering leadership strategies and actions
- successful headteachers distribute leadership progressively
- the successful distribution of leadership depends on the establishment of trust
The research shows that there is no single best-fit leadership approach. Successful leadership is context sensitive.
This report confirms, qualifies and builds on the original claims made in the report Seven strong claims about successful school leadership.