Ready reckoner and transition matrices for 16 to 18: 2019
Ready reckoner to calculate level 3 value-added scores for providers. Transition matrices shows grades in different subjects nationally.
Applies to England
Use the ready reckoner to calculate level 3 value-added results.
Level 3 value-added is a progress measure for school sixth forms and colleges which is used in the 16 to 18 performance tables.
You can also read the 16 to 18 accountability technical guide to learn more about the level 3 value-added measure.
The transition matrices tool presents value-added results differently. It shows the grades achieved by students in particular subjects with similar levels of prior attainment.
Updates to this page
Added amended 2019 ready reckoner, 2018 ready reckoner and the 2019 transition matrices.
Updated the ready reckoner for 2019 and removed the transition matrices.
Updated the ready reckoner and transition matrices documents for 2018.
Added contact details for the 16-18 performance tables team.
Updated document 'Level 3 value-added ready reckoner: 2018' to correct the points in the prior attainment pages.
New ready reckoner for 2018.
Added the 'transition matrices' spreadsheet.
Attached a revised version of the ready reckoner in line with publication of the 2017 performance tables.
Corrected the points table on the subject chart page.
First published.