16 to 19 funding allocations supporting documents for 2019 to 2020
Information for 16 to 19 institutions about calculating their 16 to 19 revenue funding allocation.
As set out in our timeline, we issued 16 to 19 allocation statements in February and March to all institutions that were expecting them.
Further information on 16 to 19 funding allocations is available on GOV.UK
To help you understand your 16 to 19 funding statement we have published a short video.
- Overview of 16 to 19 funding allocation statements for 2019 to 2020
We have also published the allocation calculation toolkit (ACT) guidance for all institutions. The ACT file for FE institutions shows how we have used your data to calculate your funding factors, band proportions, students not meeting the condition of funding, care standards and students eligible for CDF Industry placement funding for your 2019 to 2020 allocation. Further information on lagged student numbers, care leavers, large programmes, advanced maths premium, high needs students and student support funding is shown on your allocation statement.
Updates to this page
Published 18 December 2018Last updated 22 May 2019 + show all updates
Updated to inform customers of progress on releasing allocations and supporting documents
The special post-16 institution and non-maintained special school allocation statement explanatory note:academic year 2018 to 2019 has now been added.
The 16 to 19 school and academy sixth form allocation statement explanatory note for academic year 2019 to 2020 has been added.
The 16 to 19 school and academy sixth form allocation calculation toolkit for 2019 to 2020 has been added.
Allocation calculation tookit has been added
First published.