18 to 21 work skills pilot: specification
ITT specification for the 18 to 21 work skills pilot: testing online and blended English and maths for benefits claimants.
An invitation to tender (ITT) has been issued for the online delivery of English and maths to young people mandated by JCP in 5 regions of England.
The pilot will test whether an online approach to English and maths learning improves the employment and skills outcomes for 18 to 21 year olds and will assess the costs of these forms of delivery, with a view to national roll out in future years.
We would welcome interest from learning technology companies to join consortia with learning providers to develop innovative and engaging solutions that will support the intent of this pilot.
You can register your interest by emailing your contact details to 1821workskills@sfa.bis.gov.uk and you will receive further details shortly.
Please note that only organisations that are currently included on the Skills Funding Agency’s register of training organisations are eligible to be invited to respond to this tender.