2010 to 2015 government policy: access to the countryside
How the government is protecting and improving people's access to the countryside and coastal areas, and protecting English landscapes and inland waterways.
This policy paper shows the policy of the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government.
Find out about the current government’s policies.
Updates to this page
Policy document from the 2010 to 2015 government preserved in a different format for reference
Updated to include changes to how national park authorities can appoint members as announced in Queen's speech.
Updated the Responsibility for managing inland waterways section
Amended town and village greens section in Actions to reflect new legislation coming into effect from today (1 October).
Updated funding the canal and river trust to reflect appointment of the protector.
Updated with latest position on transfer of Environment Agency Navigations to CRT.
Added in link to impact assessment on canal and river trust page
Amended Canal & River Trust name and removed Town and Village green policy text
Added documents under key publications
First published.