2010 to 2015 government policy: climate change international action
How we’re working with other countries to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.
This policy paper shows the policy of the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government.
Find out about the current government’s policies.
Updates to this page
Policy document from the 2010 to 2015 government preserved in a different format for reference
Update on the Forests, Climate Change and Development Meeting held at the British Academy on Monday 26 January 2015.
Updates to the page as the COP20 conference begins in Lima.
An update following the agreement by European Leaders in European Council of new climate and energy targets for 2030.
The UK is calling for an ambitious climate and energy package for the period up to 2030.
Updated DFID support figure on ICF page from £2.13 billion to £2.4 billion
Adding a link to the Q&A on the latest IPCC report on climate change.
Updated policy title to reflect the UK goverment's work on climate adaptation Updated amount provided to ICF from £2.9 billion to £3.87 billion Added new supporting page on adaptation and international climate change adaptation funds
Case study on how the international climate fund (ICF) is supporting a low carbon transition in Chile, India, Nigeria and Turkey
A new version of the Fast Start brochure has been published today.
A new International Climate Fund case study added on the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) Facility.
Case study added to the International Climate Fund section.
3 new case studies have been added to the International Climate Fund supporting page.
Replaced background information with more detail relevant to all of government's actions for this policy. Also added detail page explaining how we're negotiating for an international treaty.
Changed a link
Added zip file to ICF policy detail page
Changed the url for one of the links
Reordered departments
First published.