2010 to 2015 government policy: food and farming industry
How the government is responding to the growing population's demand for food, while minimising the impacts of farming and food production on the environment.
This policy paper shows the policy of the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government.
Find out about the current government’s policies.
Updates to this page
Policy document from the 2010 to 2015 government preserved in a different format for reference
Added two bullet points with reference to the growing media industry
Added information about consideration by the EU Regulatory Committee of an application to import genetically modified cut carnation flowers.
Updated GM crops statistics. Also added information about change to EU law (expected to come into force - spring or summer 2015) allowing Member States to decide to accept planting of EU-approved GM crops in their country.
The Advisory Committee on Pesticides section updated as summary of responses has now been published.
Added the section on improving confidence in our food chain.
Added section on improving public sector buying of sustainable food and catering services.
Added a line of text and links to applications and consents and the ACRE website.
Added future of farming review wording/links.
Changed pesticides policy page to reflect change in grandfather rights.
First published.