2010 to 2015 government policy: UK Overseas Territories
Working with the Overseas Territories on the challenges they face and encouraging strong local economies.
This policy paper shows the policy of the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government.
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Policy document from the 2010 to 2015 government preserved in a different format for reference
Detail added: Helping communities in the Overseas Territories to be vibrant and flourishing
Detail added: Funding for the Overseas Territories
Detail added: Enabling productive links between the Overseas Territories and the wider world
Detail added: Making Overseas Territory governments work better
Detail added: Cherishing the Overseas Territory environments
Detail added: Ensuring the success and resilience of Overseas Territories’ economies
Detail added: Ensuring the defence, security and safety of the Overseas Territories
Detail added: Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council
Added funding priorities under The Overseas Territories Programme Fund and paragraph in background section on UK policy
Department requested policy title change.
First published.