2011 Payment by Results (PbR) documents
Provides the 2011 PbR reoffending baselines, associated thresholds and historical data by contract package area.
F15.05 - 2011 PbR baselines and thresholds.xls includes the PbR reoffending baselines, the associated thresholds and the historical data by contract package area.
F15.03 - Methodology for the PbR re-offending baselines.doc describes in detail the process that has been used to calculate the 2011 reoffending baselines and the thresholds shown in F15.05 – 2011 PbR baselines and thresholds.xls.
F15.04 - Detailed points on the meth & data for reoff for PbR paymech.doc describes the methodology and data that will be used to measure reoffending for the PbR element of the Transforming Rehabilitation payment mechanism.