VFM metrics - sources and notes on supplementary Value for Money (VFM) Metric data
Updated 13 May 2021
Applies to England
All the metrics have been derived using FVA data as per the VFM Metrics Technical Note (Annex A)
Supplementary Information
Supplementary information has been detailed in areas which have been shown to be key contextual factors.
% Supported Housing (Excl HOP)
Number of Supported Housing, excluding HOP, units owned divided by the Total Number of Social Housing units owned, as reported in the 2020 SDR.
% Housing for Older People
Number of Housing for Older People, including Care Home, units owned divided by the Total Number of Social Housing units owned, as reported in the 2020 SDR.
Large-scale voluntary transfer
A provider has been defined as an LSVT if the total number of units transferred into the entity accounts for over 50% of their current social stock; otherwise they have been defined as Traditional.
Date of Largest Transfer
For providers defined as LSVT. Where there has been more than one transfer into an entity it gives the date of the largest transfer, by tenanted stock, following RSH records of stock transfers.
Uses the date of the largest transfer to band LSVT entities by age. The three bands used are < 7 years, 7-12 years & > 12 years
Region with 50%+ of social stock owned
Defined as the region where the provider holds more than 50% of its owned Social Housing stock as reported in the 2020 Statistical Data Return (SDR); if no such region exists then the provider is defined as “mixed”.
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings Regional Wage Index (England = 1)
An index calculated using data on relative regional administrative and construction sector earnings ASHE for 2020 and information on Social Housing units owned by region as reported in the SDR. The England average is 1.