Key stage 2: assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA)
Statutory guidance for assessing and reporting the national curriculum at key stage 2 (KS2).
This guidance is for schools, local authorities and governing bodies responsible for end of KS2 assessment, including KS2 tests.
The arrangements apply to maintained schools, maintained special schools, academies, free schools, Ministry of Defence (MoD) schools and participating independent schools with pupils in KS2.
Updates to this page
Date correction in section 3.1 (Multiplication tables check): "Schools can access the MTC service via DfE Sign-in from Monday 28 April." Previously, this sentence incorrectly stated Monday 7 April. Across the rest of the document, the date was and continues to be correct (Monday 28 April).
Dates extended to register new pupils for the KS2 tests if they arrive in school after Friday 7 March – now until Thursday 22 May (previously until Thursday 15 May). Also added clarification that schools should order test materials from the national curriculum assessments helpline (0300 303 3013) if they believe pupils currently working below the standard of the KS2 tests may reach the standard by May 2025.
Updated for the academic year 2024 to 2025
First published.
Dates and deadlines section: deadline for additional time applications has been extended to Monday 27 April; deadline added for schools to submit notifications that pupils have used a scribe, transcript, word processor or electronic or technical aid.
Addition to 'Changes' section: tests marked on screen
National curriculum tests, 3.1. Third bullet changed to 'have recently joined your school from a different educational system' for clarity.