APRHAI: annual reports
Annual summary of activities carried out by the Advisory Committee on Antimicrobial Prescribing, Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections (APRHAI).
Applies to England
The committee’s work is increasingly carried forward by subgroups that have been established to develop evidence-based guidance and other detailed pieces of work. They are chaired by a member of APRHAI and supported by relevant experts. Subgroup reports and recommendations are considered at the main committee meetings.
Following agreement, advice is provided to the Department of Health for consideration and, where appropriate, implementation.
The reports also include APRHAI’s work plan for the following year.
Previous APRHAI annual reports are available on the UK Government Web Archive.
Updates to this page
Added ARHAI annual reports for 2014 to 2015 and 2015 to 2016.
Annual reports added for 2016 to 2017. Changed name from ARHAI (Advisory Committee on Antimicrobial, Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections) to APRHAI (Advisory Committee on Antimicrobial Prescribing, Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections).
Updated to include ARHAI's 5th annual report.
First published.