Circular 008/2012: Control of methoxetamine under a Temporary Class Drug Order
A change to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971: control of methoxetamine under a Temporary Class Drug Order.
- broad subject: crime and disorder
- sub category: drug offences
- from: Crime and Policing Group (CPG) - Drugs and Alcohol Unit
- date for implementation: 30 March 2012
- for more information contact: Desmond Niimoi
This circular is addressed to:
- Chief Officers of Police (England and Wales)
- Chief Officer of Police (Northern Ireland)
- Chief Officers of Police (Scotland)
- Circuit Administrators
- Court Administrators
- The Chief Clerk of the Crown Court
- Clerks of Magistrates’ Courts Committees
- Clerks to the Justices
- Clerks to the Police Authorities
- The Chief Crown Prosecutor
- Chief Probation Officers