A survey of childcare and work decisions among families with children (WP114)
This working paper is a technical report presenting key results and data tables from a survey of families on childcare and work.
Working Paper No. 114
This working paper is a technical report presenting key results and data tables from a survey of families on childcare and work. The survey was undertaken to address a gap in the existing evidence base and so support the broader evidence gathering process of the work of the Government’s childcare commission.
A commission on childcare, led jointly by the Department for Education (DfE) and the Department for Work and Pensions, was announced by the Prime Minister in June 2012 to consider three key themes: Differences in the results between this and other childcare surveys, such as the are likely to be due to differences in survey methodology and design. Although care was taken to explain ‘childcare’ and other terms used in the questionnaire, and to control the sample for certain population characteristics, the results should be interpreted in light of the specific questions asked, the survey’s on-line format and respondents’ characteristics.