A1 east of England strategic study: terms of reference
Sets out the terms of reference for and scope of the A1 east of England strategic study.
This document sets out:
- the scope of work for the A1 east of England study
- the terms of reference for the project board
- other aspects of project governance
Background to the A1 east of England strategic study
The A1 east of England strategic study is one of 6 strategic studies that will inform the development of the second phase of the Road investment strategy (RIS 2). The 6 studies address challenges and opportunities on our motorways and major roads which are too large and complex to fix in a single road period.
The study was announced as part of the first phase of the Road investment strategy (RIS 1) published in December 2014. RIS 1 and RIS 2 set out a long-term approach to improve England’s motorways and major roads (the ‘strategic road network’).