
AAA screening: escalation process for non-submission of evidence

Updated 3 July 2024

The screening service should provide evidence to the screening quality assurance service (SQAS) at least 10 weeks before the QA visit date.

SQAS should follow the escalation process below if evidence has not been provided by 9 weeks before the visit. The process is described below in text format and as an illustration.

1. Send reminder to service manager

SQAS sends reminder to manager of screening service 9 weeks before QA visit date.

2. Is evidence received by 8 weeks before visit?

Yes Evidence received and used at QA visit. End of pathway

No: Send second reminder to manager at 8 weeks minus 1 day before visit date. Contact manager by phone and follow up by email giving an absolute deadline of responding within 7 calendar days at 7 weeks before visit date.

Inform clinical lead of this new deadline. Go to question 3.

3. Is evidence received by 7 weeks before visit?

Yes: Evidence received and used at QA visit. End of pathway.

No: If proforma or outstanding evidence is not received by the absolute deadline, SQAS should inform the medical director and the clinical lead within 48 hours of the missed deadline. Also inform the commissioner and the screening and immunisation team (SIT).

Make an immediate recommendation at the QA visit that the programme should provide the outstanding information, or confirmation it does not exist within 7 days, along with an agreed date for discussion with SQAS. End of pathway.