
Abnormal load movements application and notification forms

Forms to be completed when wishing to make an abnormal loads movement by road and not using the ESDAL system.

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Applies to England


Notification to Police & Highway & Bridge Authorities Interactive PDF

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Form of Notification Interactive PDF Support Guide

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SOAP API Developers guide

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Notification requirements for the movement of abnormal indivisible loads or vehicles

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Form VR1

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Form BE16

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Form of Notice to Police and to Highway and Bridge Authorities

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Form of Notification to Police (Construction & Use)

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Form of Indemnity

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Notice requesting a Local Highways Authority to secure the removal of an obstruction

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Brief guide for category 1, 2 and 3 AIL vehicles

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Location of abnormal load laybys

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Layby and MSA map

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If you are not a user of the ‘Elec­tronic Ser­vice Deliv­ery for Abnor­mal Loads’ (ESDAL) system then you can still make an application to move an abnormal load, as well as notify the authorities, using one of our downloadable forms.

The application form you need to complete will depend on the dimensions and weight of the load and vehicle you are using. Please read the notification requirements for moving abnormal loads if you are unsure.

You can­not apply too early to move an abnormal load. We invite appli­ca­tions for agree­ment in prin­ci­ple even at the pre-tender stage, before any finan­cial com­mit­ment is made to sup­ply and deliver the load. Approval is not auto­matic and is at the dis­cre­tion of High­ways England Abnor­mal Loads Team act­ing on behalf of the Sec­re­tary of State for Trans­port.

The amount of dis­rup­tion and con­ges­tion the load could cause and whether alter­na­tive modes of trans­port (such as water, rail etc.) could be used is taken into account when con­sid­er­ing whether to grant a per­mit to allow the load to move by road.

There is also useful guidance on the ‘water preferred policy for the movement of abnormal loads’.

Vehi­cle Spe­cial Order (VSO)

Appli­ca­tions to move spe­cial types or spe­cial pur­pose vehi­cles that may not be fully per­mit­ted by the ‘Con­struc­tion and Use (C&U) Reg­u­la­tions’ or fall out­side the scope of the Spe­cial Types Gen­eral Order should be made to the Vehi­cle Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Agency.

Mobile Cranes

The noti­fi­ca­tion require­ments for mobile cranes can be found in the Road Vehi­cles (Autho­ri­sa­tion of Spe­cial Types) (Gen­eral) Order 2003, Statu­tory Instru­ment 1998 - Part 2 (Arti­cles 10 to 18).

Find out more about the requirements for transporting abnormal loads.

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Published 20 July 2012
Last updated 28 August 2018 show all updates
  1. Replaced documents: Form of Notification Interactive PDF Support Guide SOAP API Developers Guide

  2. SOAP API Developers guide added

  3. Notification to Police & Highway & Bridge Authorities Interactive PDF and supporting guide added

  4. Updated 'Form of Notice to Police - Highway and Bridge authorities' and 'Form of Notification to Police' (Construction & Use) documents added

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