About shale gas and hydraulic fracturing (fracking)
About shale gas and hydraulic fracturing (fracking).
Guidance containing background information on the government policy position on shale gas and other unconventional hydrocarbons in the UK.
Updates to this page
Link to Shale Environmental Regulator Group (SERG) page added, and info about SERG updated.
Factsheets added. Updated content to include information on the Shale Environmental Regulatory Group and Shale Commissioner.
Addition of latest government reports which have already been published on other government department websites.
Links added to 6th April 2016 legislation.
Inforgaphic showing what approval checks would need to take place before a company can explore for shale gas.
About shale oil and gas videos published.
New "Shale gas made simple" guide added.
Background briefing note moved to this page.
First published.