
Academy trust chair: Apply for a suitability check

Information and forms for academy trust chairs of trustees to apply for a suitability check, including an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

Applies to England



The Department for Education (DfE) carries out statutory suitability checks on newly appointed chairs of trustees on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education.

The process is to ensure the welfare, health and safety of pupils and meet safeguarding requirements set out in:

Academy trust chairs of trustees must complete a suitability check with DfE as soon as they are appointed.

The suitability check includes:

  • verification of identity
  • confirmation of the right to work in the United Kingdom
  • an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check

Additional information is required if you have lived outside the United Kingdom for a period of 12 months or longer.

DfE will also consider any further information, including where individuals are barred from teaching or the management of a school.

Support with your application

If you have any questions about the requirements explained in the guidance, please email the Regions Group business support team.

Updates to this page

Published 8 July 2020
Last updated 17 December 2021 show all updates
  1. We have updated the "how to apply for a statutory suitability check" guidance for academy trust chairs of trustees.

  2. We have updated this page to provide information about using the new Galaxkey service for sending secure documents to ESFA.

  3. Page updated with a minor change to the requirement to provide information if the applicant has lived abroad.

  4. First published.

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