Access to Geospatial Data
A data sharing assessment tool was developed to help data publishers overcome their reluctance to share data due to perceived risks that may or may not exist.

This summary report sets out key findings, recommendations and benefits from the Geospatial Commission’s data discoverability project which developed a standardised process for data publishers to assess the potential risks in various categories (eg GDPR, commercial, security etc) of sharing a dataset. It also looked at potential mitigation strategies.
As a result of this work, the Geospatial Commission produced a data sharing assessment tool to help data publishers responsibly publish data.
Updates to this page
Data Sharing Assessment (DSA tool) Added a 'Version history' sheet and referenced it from the README sheet. Added one question to the DSA_tool sheet - Question 1. Renumbered questions to account for change above. Added column ‘INSPIRE Element Mappings – Limitations on Public Access’ for datasets in scope of INSPIRE.
Replaced XLS format with ODS format. Included email address in README sheet for feedback and suggestions
First published.