Access to Work MHSS provider guidance for contracts effective on or before 19 August 2024
DWP provider guidance for the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service (MHSS) programme.
This guidance is for Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) providers of the Access to Work MHSS programme for contracts effective on or before 19 August 2024.
There is separate MHSS provider guidance for contracts effective on or after 20 August 2024.
Other Access to Work provider guidance
- Access to Work holistic assessments provider guidance
- Access to Work provider memos for updates to the guidance
Updates to this page
Amended to reflect the PRaP team has changed from POST To PODDS and their telephone number is no longer in use.
Updated Access to Work MHSS provider guidance, Chapter 4: Referral, Start, Support Period and Leaver Process.
Updated all chapters 1 to 8 and annexes A to J of the Access to Work MHSS provider guidance.
Updated Access to Work guidance and separated it into individual chapters.
Removed the Access to Work holistic assessments provider guidance from this page. The guidance is now available on another page on the GOV.UK website.
Minor amendments to Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance - now version 9.
Published version 4 of the 'Access to Work MHSS provider guidance: from August 2018' (now dated February 2020). Also published revised versions of 'Annex b: customer consent form (MHSS from August 2018)' and 'Annex f: exit report (MHSS from August 2018)'.
Published a revised version of annex a: holistic assessment needs assessment referral form.
Published version 8 of the Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance (now dated January 2020).
Published version 7 of the Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance (now dated August 2019).
Revised versions of the 'Access to Work MHSS provider guidance: from August 2018' (version 3), 'annex d: monthly update (MHSS from August 2018)' and 'Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance' (version 6).
Published version 2 of the 'Access to Work MHSS provider guidance: from August 2018', and a revised 'Annex a: referral form (MHSS from August 2018)' and 'Annex b: customer consent form (MHSS from August 2018)'.
Published version 5 of the Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance (now dated November 2018), including a revised Annex b: holistic assessment needs assessment report.
Published new provider guidance and annexes a - j for the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service (MHSS), effective from August 2018.
Published version 4 of the Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance (now dated May 2018).
Published version 3 of the Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance (now dated December 2017), including a revised Annex E: standard wording for complaints.
Published version 2 of the Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance (now dated October 2017), including a revised Annex D: assessment contracts management information.
Added new holistic assessment guidance and forms for use by providers from 5 June 2017. The new guidance is dated May 2017.
Published revised Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance (version 10) and annex E: Access to Work assessment contracts management information.
Revised versions of the 'Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance' (version 9), 'Access to Work mental health support service provider guidance' (version 8) and 'annex E: Access to Work assessment contracts management information'. A list of the changes made to the guidance can be found in Access to Work live running memo 5.
Published revised Access to Work holistic assessment provider guidance (version 8), annex E: Access to Work assessment contracts management information and Access to Work mental health support service provider guidance (version 7). A summary of the amendments made to the revised guidance can be found in Access to Work live running memo LR4.
Published revised Access to Work holistic assessment guidance (version 7).
Revised versions of the holistic assessment and the mental health support service guidance.
First published.