Accountability system statement for DWP: 2016 to 2017
This is the accountability system statement for the Department for Work and Pensions for the financial year 2016 to 2017.
This document sets out the present accountability system for Work and Pensions. It has been agreed by Robert Devereux as accounting officer and Permanent Secretary of the Department for Work and Pensions.
The accountability system statements explain how government departments achieve accountability for the funds they distribute to local bodies. This allows accounting officers to demonstrate that, as the government moves to decentralise power to local communities, the appropriate accountability mechanisms are in place.
Accounting officers in government departments are accountable to Parliament for the proper stewardship of the resources allocated to the department.
Details of the requirements to ensure regularity, propriety and value for money are set out in HM Treasury’s guidance Managing public money.
Older versions are available: