Accredited qualification providers: personal licence to sell alcohol
List of accredited organisations that provide courses and exams for a personal licence to sell alcohol.
To apply for a personal licence to sell alcohol, you must hold an alcohol licensing qualification, for example a BII Level II examination certificate.
This document lists all of the organisations accredited by the Home Secretary under the Licensing Act 2003, which offer a personal licence course.
More information on personal licensing is also available.
Updates to this page
Moved SFJ Awards to the list of formerly accredited courses.
Updated BIIAB contact details.
IQ removed from the accredited list, SFJ Awards added.
List of accredited qualification providers updated.
Updated contact details for the Qualifications Network (QNUK).
Updated details.
Updated guidance to include new qualification level for Personal Licence Holders.
Updated details.
Address for BIIAB updated.
Updated list published.
Course run by QNUK added.
Address details for LASER updated.
Updated document
Updated list published.
Latest edition of list published.
Providers list updated.
First published.