Additional airport capacity: biodiversity analysis
Biodiversity analysis of the Airports Commission's shortlisted options for additional airport capacity.
These reports support the biodiversity analysis in the consultation on the Airport Commission’s shortlisted options for additional airport capacity.
Jacobs Consultancy’s ‘Baseline’ report identifies designated sites in the region of the scheme proposals as well as non-designated sites and trends as those sites. It sets out baseline values based on a ‘do-minimum’ case for issues such as bird-strike.
The ‘Assessment’ report outlines the assessment of:
- biodiversity impacts
- mitigation
- cost estimates
for the areas affected by expansion proposals.
The ‘Ecosystem services’ report considers the impacts of schemes on the life sustaining processes that provide environmental goods and services. Specifically, the goods and services which human life depends on and which enhance quality of life.
Large maps included in these documents have been published separately in the ‘Figures’ document.