
Cyfeiriad ar gyfer gohebu (CY55)

Mae'r cyfarwyddyd hwn yn cynnwys manylion am arfer Cofrestrfa Tir EF ynghylch cyfeiriadau ar gyfer gohebu a gofnodir yn y gofrestr (cyfarwyddyd ymarfer 55).

Yn berthnasol i England and Gymru



Mae’r cyfarwyddyd wedi ei anelu at drawsgludwyr a dylech ddehongli cyfeiriadau atoch ‘chi’ felly. Bydd staff Cofrestrfa Tir EF yn cyfeirio ato hefyd.

Dim ond gwybodaeth ffeithiol a chyngor diduedd ynghylch ein gweithdrefnau rydym yn eu darparu. Darllenwch ragor am y cyngor rydym yn ei roi.


Gallwch ymuno â’n gweminarau di-dâl i gael cyngor ar ystod o bynciau cofrestru tir a sut i baratoi ceisiadau o safon.

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Cyhoeddwyd ar 13 October 2003
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 15 July 2024 + show all updates
  1. Section 3 has been amended to encourage use of an email address as an additional method of contact. Section 5 now explains that we treat the address provided in our digital registration services or in a paper application form as overriding that in any other part of an application. Section 6 has been amended and explains that when a change of address is required, the application submitted must apply for it by including a ‘change of address for service’ transaction. Section 9 includes the important things to remember.

  2. Section 8 has been amended to clarify our practice on overseas postal addresses.

  3. We have amended section 5 with information on how we deal with address discrepancies between application forms and other deeds. This is not new practice, having been introduced in 2010.

  4. Section 6 has been amended to clarify that form COG1 should be used when a registered owner is not represented by a conveyancer but applies independently to change the register.

  5. Section 8 has been amended to clarify that, where the only address for service in the register is an overseas address, we will write to ask you to consider applying for a second address.

  6. Sections 3, 5 and 6 have been updated to clarify our policy for entering a UK postal address for service.

  7. Link to the advice we offer added.

  8. Welsh version added.

  9. First published.

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