
ADR instructions in writing and use of electronic documentation

How businesses that transport dangerous goods should use ADR instructions in writing and the requirements for electronic documentation.



This guidance helps businesses that transport dangerous goods to understand:

  • how to provide ADR instructions in writing
  • how ADR instructions in writing must be presented in vehicles
  • the necessary equipment to be carried in vehicles under ADR instructions in writing
  • the requirements for the use of electronic documentation (Electronic Data Processing or Electronic Data Interchange)

This guidance only quotes references to ADR, but the same guidance applies to carriage by rail.

This guidance was published in January 2010, revised in April 2020 and November 2023. The next review is due in January 2025.


Updates to this page

Published 1 January 2010
Last updated 23 November 2023 show all updates
  1. Updated to add more information on the requirements for the use of electronic documentation.

  2. Guidance updated to reflect ADR update.

  3. First published.

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