Adult skills fund (ASF) postcode files
Data file for ASF devolution showing the funding bodies that are responsible for funding each postcode in England.
Applies to England
You might also find reference data on area cost uplifts and disadvantage uplift factors to use with funding calculations useful.
What this data is for
We use this data in the funding system to support publicly funded education and skills in England; covering the adult skills fund, both in devolved and non-devolved areas.
The guidance document accompanying the data file explains how we use this data and what you can do with it to aid your enrolment of learners, and creation of individualised learner record data.
How to access the data
The complete ASF postcode dataset is too large for you to open conventionally in spreadsheet software. You can load this file into a database or BI software to query the whole dataset.
To allow you to view the data in a spreadsheet, we have split the complete ASF postcode dataset into several spreadsheet readable csv files.
Devolved ASF postcode file
Devolved ASF postcode dataset.csv
This file contains just the postcodes from the complete ASF postcode file that fall within devolved authority areas.
Spreadsheet friendly ASF postcode files
Spreadsheet friendly A-K ASF postcode dataset.csv
This file contains all postcodes from the complete ASF postcode file that begin with the letters A to K, including all Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) funded, devolved authority funded and non-funded British (Welsh and Scottish) postcodes.
Spreadsheet friendly L-R ASF postcode dataset.csv
This file contains all postcodes from the complete ASF postcode file that begin with the letters L to R, including all ESFA funded, devolved authority funded and non-funded British (Welsh and Scottish) postcodes.
Spreadsheet friendly S-Z ASF postcode dataset.csv
This file contains all postcodes from the complete ASF postcode file that begin with the letters S to Z, including all ESFA funded, devolved authority funded and non-funded British (Welsh and Scottish) postcodes.