Adult social care (ASC) workforce and work-related quality of life
Survey results on how working conditions, capacity, learning and development, and working relationships affect work-related quality of life in adult social care.
Applies to England
The ASC Workforce Survey 2023 to 2024 was designed to collect information on a wide range of workforce conditions and how they affect work-related quality of life. Insights and evidence of this kind will be vital in supporting policy development to deliver the government’s ambitions to support the adult social care workforce. These include implementing the first fair pay agreement (FPA) for adult social care, enhancing skills and building towards a national care service.
The survey will help the government and employers to:
- understand how best to recruit and retain staff
- build capacity
- improve working conditions
- develop future policy and guidance
The survey was conducted by Ipsos in association with Skills for Care and the University of Kent and ran from August to October 2023. Over 7,000 responses were collected from a diverse range of workers. Gathering these insights has only been possible with the help of partner organisations from across the sector, and as a result of the positive engagement by individual workers who took the time to complete it.
This page contains the main report and technical report, which set out the questions asked and findings in full, along with the detailed methodology and how the survey findings will be used. Detailed data tables can be accessed via the Ipsos website.