Adverse Weather and Health Plan
The Adverse Weather and Health Plan aims to protect individuals and communities from the health effects of adverse weather and to build community resilience.
Applies to England
The Adverse Weather and Health Plan (AWHP) builds on existing measures taken by the UK government, its agencies, NHS England and local authorities. The Plan outlines key areas where the public sector, independent sector, voluntary sector, health and social care organisations and local communities can work together to maintain and improve integrated arrangements for planning and response to deliver the best outcomes possible during adverse weather.
The Plan brings together and builds on the previous Heatwave Plan for England and the Cold Weather Plan for England.
The Plan is underpinned by:
- supporting evidence, that underlines the activities and scientific evidence that support the Plan
- guidance and support materials
- the Weather-Health Alerts (heat and cold), developed in partnership with the Met Office
A joint statement underscoring the AWHP, Heat Health Alerts, and its aims to keep people safe during the coming and future summers has been developed in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England, the Met Office, and the Local Government Association. It is available on the NHS England website.
Further resources
AWHP: equity review and impact assessment 2024
Weather-Health Alerting System
Flooding: health guidance and advice
Updates to this page
Added new version of Adverse Weather and Health Plan.
Added annual report for 2023 to 2024.
Added the 'Stay well this winter leaflet 2024'.
Information added to User Guide: • display of alerts on the UKHSA Data Dashboard • HHA action card for national government
Updated text on page 39 (DLUHC) and page 43 (LRFs).
Added link to the equity review under "further resources" and added new versions of main report and supporting evidence document.
Added easy-read versions of main guidance and user guide.
Added new version of User Guide with reworded text under Red (emergency response).
Added new version of user guide.
Updated sections and in the Adverse Weather and Health Plan.
Amended date discrepancy in user guide.
Added link to Weather-Health Alerting System.
Added link to AWHP joint statement on the NHS website.
Updated AWHP, supporting evidence and user guide.
First published.