Advisory Military Sub-Committee
The Advisory Military Sub-Committee (AMSC) considers claims for medallic recognition of past military service.
What is the AMSC?
The AMSC was first established in 2012 as a recommendation of the independent Military Medals Review, carried out by Sir John Holmes.
It is a sub-committee of the Committee on the Grant of Honours, Decorations and Medals (the “HD Committee”) which provides advice to The Sovereign on honours and medals.
More information about the HD Committee can be found here.
The HD Committee is supported for administrative purposes by the Honours and Appointments Secretariat, which is responsible for honours and medals policy matters.
What does the AMSC do?
Read its terms of reference (pdf, 62.6 KB).
Membership of the AMSC
The AMSC has a majority of independent members who were recruited for their working knowledge of HM Armed Forces; experience of public service; experience of assessment and decision-making.
Independent members
The independent chair of the AMSC is Dr Charles Winstanley TD JP DL, who was appointed through a public appointments process. Dr Winstanley has been an officer in both the Regular and Reserve Army and is a former non-executive director of the MOD. Among his public appointments are Chair, Contact Group, Chair, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Member, Asylum and Immigration Tribunal.
- Wing Commander Marie-Noelle Orzel OBE QVRM - Senior Nurse Advisor (Reserves), RAF
- Lee Holloway - Chief Executive, Officers’ Association
Official member
- Defence Services Secretary - Major General Lisa Keetley
The AMSC has access to historical advice as needed. The Ministry of Defence provides secretariat support to the AMSC.
How can I make a claim?
Anyone can request that the AMSC considers a historic military medals claim.
Claims must not have been considered as part of previous work in 2013 to consider specific medals claims (list and reports here) unless new evidence has emerged.
Requests to review a medals claim must be made in writing.
To make a request, please complete this form (pdf, 55.2 KB).
Claims should be emailed the Honours and Appointments Secretariat in the Cabinet Office at: and addressed to the AMSC.
Alternatively, write to:
Advisory Military Sub-Committee c/o Honours and Appointments Secretariat
1 Horse Guards Road London
Your request should include the following information:
- Which service the claim relates to
- The dates of the service
- Who was involved
- Why you consider the service eligible for consideration. It is helpful to refer to the criteria outlined in the AMSC’s term of reference, as this is what the Committee will use to assess claims
- Whether you represent just yourself or an organised group of people
Please note that the AMSC is unable to consider claims for service given within the last five years.
What happens to my claim?
Your claim will be investigated. You will be asked if further information is needed. A report will then be submitted to the AMSC. The AMSC’s recommendations will be published on in due course.
The AMSC’s recommendation will be submitted to the HD Committee. The HD Committee will, as appropriate, make a recommendation to The Sovereign. If a medal is recommended and approved, the HD Committee will oversee the process of agreeing a design and production of the medal for issue.
How long will it take to assess my claim?
It is not possible to give specific timings as each claim will be different. The AMSC will meet regularly to discuss cases. The HD Committee meets as required, but generally three times a year.
The outcome of AMSC reviews will be announced on once the advice has been fully assessed, including (where appropriate) via the HD Committee to The Sovereign. To preserve the confidentiality of the honours process, the details of decisions will not be published.
Updates to this page
Updated the lists of independent and official members. Updated the terms of reference.
Added the document: Advisory Military Sub-Committee - South Atlantic Medal Claim (November 2023)
Added the document: Recommendation of the Advisory Military Sub-Committee
Changes to Independent members Removed Mary Moreland Added Wing Commander Marie-Noelle Orzel OBE - Senior Nurse Advisor (Reserves), RAF Lee Holloway - Chief Executive, Officers’ Association Replaced Rear Admiral Jim Macleod with Major General Eldon Millar
Added Recommendations (2022) and updated Terms of Reference (2022).
Added 'Advisory Military Sub-Committee - Recommendations (2021)'
Addition of document, 'Advisory Military Sub-Committee - Recommendations (2020)'.
First published.