Aggregate valuation estimates for market access barriers
This report contains analysis illustrating the potential value of export opportunities associated with the removal of a selection of market access barriers.
This analysis draws upon the methodological approaches developed in DIT to produce indicative estimates of the value associated with a barrier. This report will inform decision making such as which barriers should be prioritised for government action. These methodological approaches were set out in more detail in Market access barrier statistics: financial year 2020 to 2021.
This analytical working paper sets out:
aggregate valuation estimate for a selection of unresolved market access barriers
aggregate valuation estimate for a selection of market access barriers resolved in the latest financial year 2021 to 2022
individual valuation summary for a selection of resolved and unresolved barriers
This was published originally by Department for International Trade (DIT) which has since moved to the Department for Business and Trade (DBT).
Updates to this page
The headline and summary of 4.10 have been changed to describe the situation in early 2021 more accurately. The original said that UK companies reported inconsistent interpretation of customs requirements by the Spanish customs authorities. However, the text should have said that businesses found it difficult to navigate sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) checks. SPS checks are a standard requirement for any imports into Spain from a non-EU country. The change in barrier description has resulted in a slight change in the inputs used in the valuation. Due to this change, the valuation of this barrier has increased from £low tens of millions (£10 to £40 million) to £high tens of millions (£70 to £99 million) over 5 years.
First published.