Agricultural Transition Plan 2021 to 2024
Our plans for agriculture in England from 1 January 2021, with an update for January 2024.
The Agricultural Transition Plan sets out the changes we are going to make to agricultural policy in England from 1 January 2021. It also covers what these changes will mean for farmers and land managers.
The Agricultural Transition Plan builds on the work carried out since our consultation Health and Harmony was launched in 2018.
Updates to this page
Amended Agricultural Transition Plan update January 2024 under sub heading 'Keeping payment rates in schemes up to date' to clarify how farmers can access more funding for their environmental actions.
In the technical annex, table 5a - skylark plots, the annual payment has been changed from £11 per ha to £11 per plot.
In Technical Annex attachment - in Table 8e, row 3 Supplementary feeding for farmland birds (organic land) under Annual Payment heading added 'per tonne for every 2ha' so it reads '£935 per tonne for every 2ha'.
Technical Annex, Table 12b - Supplement to Woodland improvement action: Manage native woodland including ancient semi-natural woodlands (ASNW) - changed £116 per ha to £144 per ha.
The 'Agricultural Transition Plan update January 2024' is now available.
First published.